Our Products.


A journey-centric, whole market approach to measuring your digital marketing performance.

Who works with us

Aware Super
Sse Airtricity

Problem solution solves.

Digital marketing attribution is difficult to measure due to the fragmented nature of the online customer journey. Current attribution models are largely site centric and do not go far enough to understand the deeper behaviour and attitudes which drive a prospective customer to choose one brand over another.

Benefit solution provides.


Understand real behaviour.

Ascertain how real world in-market, prospective customers search and select a product like yours online. Identify the touch points and sequential pathways which influence decision making alongside clear metrics on decision making criteria which drives final brand selection.


Optimise your marketing strategy.

Test the performance of your advertising, SEM, SEO and comparison site marketing against that of your competitors and acquire new insights to improve current strategies to drive awareness, initial preference, awareness, visits and conversion.


Fill the gaps on your digital marketing attribution measurement.

Gain a clearer understanding of exactly who is visiting your campaign, homepage and product pages and their visit intent. Measure whether those prospective and current customers can easily find what they are looking for.


Develop deep profile strategies to convert online prospects.

Identify the key actions required in your strategy to drive awareness with those who do not know you, retain those who might consider you but change their mind when they do research online and win those customers who know you but wouldn’t normally consider you as an option.


Respond quickly to market changes with evidence led insights.

With quarterly performance measurement, gain access to a research program that helps plan future campaigns based on current performance. This program also provides the opportunity to monitor competitor activity and when to react to their strategies based on conversion evidence.

The Digital Marketing Effectiveness Program captures the behaviour and opinions of only those in-market consumers that are actively considering purchasing a product like yours. Unique worldwide, the DME provides can be used to diagnostically measure retrospective performance of past campaigns and also as a projective tool to validate the evolving marketing strategy before budget is spent. This solution enables your teams to ascertain which messages at which points on the online pathway to purchase will drive them to choose your brand over other providers.

December 6, 2020
45 mins
How can digital help Super funds win and retain more members?
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Our holistic approach is achieved through the development and deployment of novel and precise consumer centric methodologies nested within five strategic areas of focus.